Collaborate With Us!

Glitterchicken is a diverse community of readers and writers. We are interested in receiving stories from people of all ages, races, genders, ethnicities and nationalities. Please submit your story and accompanying photos about a significant personal experience to

Do not be surprised if your story is not published word for word exactly as you wrote it. We promise not to alter the facts and we will do our best to retain your voice, tone, and style, but we will exercise editorial license to correct spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors and to improve the structure, organization, or flow of the narrative.

Glitterchicken is not a business venture so you will not receive any monetary compensation for collaborating with us but you will receive a cool Glitterchicken T-shirt as a token of our appreciation  and we hope that you will wear it proudly. (Send us a photo of you wearing your Glitterchicken T-shirt and we will gladly post it on our Wall of Fame).

Writing Tips & Suggestions

  1. Use active verbs and descriptive adjectives to make your story "come alive." Example: "Excited elephants stomped past us" instead of "A group of elephants passed by."
  2. To add perspective, you may want to include viewpoints of friends, family members or other folks you met on your journey who shared your experience. If you interview someone, be sure to tell them you're writing a story for an online publication and obtain their consent before quoting them.
  3. Consider using footnotes to inject facts you or your readers might find interesting without interrupting the flow of your narrative.
  4. Be authentic!  It's ok to admire certain authors but do not try to write like them or your story will not ring true. Try reading your story aloud to yourself or to someone who knows you well.  If it doesn't sound like you, then change it. Finding your authentic voice is easier said than done because it requires you to be brave and vulnerable but your story will be better for it and readers will appreciate it more.
  5. Stay away from stereotyping people and using rude or vulgar language so that you don't repulse your fellow humans reading your story. While it is impossible to guarantee that you won't offend someone in today's sensitive world, you don't need to purposefully shock or offend in order to get your point across.  The subtly stated message is often more powerfully persuasive than the brazen slogan shouted through the bullhorn.