Wall of Fame

Glitterchicken is a fresh, newly hatched online publication. Send your feedback to GlitterChickenEditor@gmail.com and we'll put you up on our Wall of Fame! See the CONTACT US page to learn more. 

March 23, 2020

I read some of the most recent entries, and was fascinated by each one . . . the depth of research, the weaving of historical narratives, and mise en scène. I look forward to seeing new entries again as a signal that some normalcy has returned to this world.

-James Kodi (New York, NY)

Oct. 3, 2019

LOVED your blog post about the Annapolis Sailing School. Terrific history, right-on character descriptions, and well-chosen anecdotes.

-Sarah and Ed (Odenton, MD)

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May 1, 2018

These narratives were wonderful! Your impressions and commentary are so thoughtful and in-depth that it seems incredible to be the result of many single experiences. It’s more like you lived in these places and studied each for months. Congratulations and thanks! One thing. The Zephyr seemed like déjà vu.

-Bill Benson (Virginia Beach, VA)

December 11, 2017

Space And Time

Ghost of a long lost friend,
If only in long-winded pretend,
No,not antisocial,just disquietingly
Memories,a friend again,
Taps me on the shoulder of my pretend,
Frees me from space and time,
Just like the glistening rain soaked streets,
The glistening rain soaked streets,
And the wind listening to my complaints,
Hell fainted, Hell fainted,
Something that I want to,
Something I hold onto,
Everything related,
And nothing, as I'm reminded has faded
Ghost of a long lost friend.

-Lazarus Denovich (Philadelphia, PA)